When an article is posted on Naver about the boys, or when a video is posted, you can react to/comment/share the article to help the boys be more visible and attracts more fans. Generally, @_B1A4OFFICIAL or @WM_ent tweets about those new articles.
To react to an article or like a video, log into Naver and do as on the pictures. Translation:
좋아요 = Good, I like it
훈훈해요 = Heart-warming, lovely, cute
슬퍼요 = I'm so sad
화나요 = I'm angry
후속기사원해요 = I want a follow-up article
To download the Mobile apps;
Google Play
Direct link to Naver's website:
Click on "Sign up"
Agree to the required conditions
Fill the form. Don't forget to verify your phone number by clicking on "Send code". When you are finished, click on "Sign up".
This is the main page of the app
The button on the top left corner leads you to the side menu, where you can log in
Several sections are on the main page: 뉴스 (news), 연예 (entertainment), 스포즈 (sport), 쇼핑 (shopping), 우리동네 (by area), MY구독 (your subscriptions)
To add a new feed on your main page
1. Search for a profile (ex: 산들)
2. Scroll to the end of the profile & click on the "N+" button (pic.2)
3. Choose a name (here #산들) & validate (pic.3)
4. It tells you that the feed is now available on main page.
This is how the new feeds look like on your main page. Like this, you can quickly access the boys' pages.
Several sections on the profile
프로필 = profile Information, past & future work/events
타임라인 = Timeline Timeline with TV programs, Vlive, picture/music releases,...
TALK = You can leave comments & talk with other Bana
인기글 = Popular posts Bana/WM posts, news,...
You can click on the items available (Drama, TV program, Music) and...
Like/comment music on Naver Music
Follow programs, watch sneak peeks & get information. (다시보기 = Replay (payable))
Follow drama, watch sneak peeks & access to a full drama card
When you research for B1A4 or one of its members in Naver, you will see a "Starcast" logo appearing. Click on it to access to Starcast. You can:
Like B1A4
Get some news & filter them by languages. (Don't hesitate to react to/comment articles)
Get pictures & Vlive
Topics ranking
On the Naver main page, you can find the ranking of the trending topics:
급상승 검색어 = Rising searches
뉴스토픽 = News topics
뉴스 = News
연예•스포츠 = Entertainment•Sport
Being in this ranking helps rising the brand value.
One way to put a word into topic ranking, and thus increase brand value, is to research a key word several times. For ex., if Gongchan appears in a TV program => if all Bana search "공찬" in Naver during the program, there is a chance for Gongchan to trend. To increase the chances, you can:
1. open a private/incognito window in your browser
2. Search for a given key word in Naver
3. Close the browser & start again at step 1
Ex. of keywords: B1A4, 공찬, 신우, 산들, 산들의별이빛나는밤에, etc.
Additional information
When you read an article, you can react to it, comment and share. But you can also recommend the article to Naver's main page. Scroll down to the end of the article. Under the icons, you have a share button, and beside there is the button to recommend.